Sweetwater District

Welcome to the Sweetwater District Homepage! Sweetwater covers South Gwinnett and Walton counties in Northeast Georgia. We are glad you found us!
History of Sweetwater Georgia from GAGenWeb project
New Roundtable Calendar Out now!
Find a Scout Pack or Troop near you: BeAScout.Scouting.Org
If you are a unit leader- This is how someone finds your Pack or Troop. Having your correct information can make the difference in whether someone contacts you or the unit down the road. The unit pin is the point of contact. When someone is interested in your unit, they read about your program, your meeting times and other pertinent information. Then if they are interested, they click the link to contact you. Is your unit pin up-to-date? Key3 Leadership must make the changes, so if you are a Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Committee Chair, or Chartered Org. Rep., This step by step guide will walk you through the process.
Sweetwater District is on Instagram!
Share your videos and photos from district events at:
FOS- Three little letters that mean so much! Scouts and volunteers see only 20 percent of what councils provide to members. There’s a whole lot more beneath the surface. Councils provide volunteer and staff training, insurance coverage, support staff, camps, equipment, recognitions for leaders, administrative needs, AV supplies, a council website, scholarships, and so much more; all funded by the Friends of Scouting annual campaign pledges and donations.
Please click here for Friends of Scouting Resources for FOS Presenters, and unit leaders. This link will help you find a presenter for your annual banquet or Court of Honor, or as a presenter, help you find events to attend and support.
Please click the red DONATE button at the top of this page and make a difference today!
NEGA Council Campmaster Corps
The Campmaster Corps is a group of selected, trained, and registered Scouters who serve the NEGA Council Scout Camps when groups are using any part of the Camp Property. Campmasters enjoy a great amount of camaraderie during their camp stays. They perform service to others, develop and maintain lasting friendships with other Scouters. The Council Camping Committee is always looking for qualified Campmasters.
For additional information Click Here.
2024 Changes to the Guide to Safe Scouting:
For full guide, refer to: GTSS 2024 Full ONline Guide
The Guide to Safe Scouting has also provided further examples to clarify prohibited activities.
For full details refer to 2023 GTSS prohibited activities examples
Download a PDF of the full GTSS:
Download the print-friendly version here. This is the full PDF version that contains updates as of February 2022. Please refer to the online version for the most updated information.