Chattahoochee District

The Chatthoochee District Welcomes You
The Chattahoochee District is comprised of Barrow, Jackson, and Hall Counties
Time to Retake Youth Protection Training
The revised Youth Protection Training is now available, and all Scouters are required to take it regardless of when your current training expires.
If you have not taken the new course, which was released in mid-February, your YPT expiration date has been reset to September 30. Now would be a great time to re-take YPT if you haven’t done so since February.
This training is mandatory for all registered adults regardless of position and highly recommended for all non-registered parents. Scouters who do not take the new YPT prior to October 1 will have their registration cancelled, meaning they are no longer a registered leader – ineligible to lead a den or pack, serve as Scoutmaster or on the committee, or counsel Scouts in merit badges.
Check out this YouTube video on how to login to the My Scouting website and take your YPT training.