Whitewater Kayaking


The Whitewater Kayaking program is designed for beginners, so it’s a good choice for anyone who wants to try it!

Weekend Program

The weekend program operates out of Scoutland, where units can camp out for the weekend. It includes an evening session, a Saturday session on the lake, and (if the learners make enough progress on the lake) a Sunday river trip.

These are beginner whitewater kayak clinics open to learners of all ages, subject to the approval of the clinic instructors. The council provides the kayaking equipment; participants must bring certain personal items (see list). Limit: ten learners. Cost: nonrefundable equipment use fee of $200 for the entire unit.

A clinic begins with a one-hour evening land session at a mutually convenient location, with a TV and DVD available, before the weekend date. We usually have it at the unit meeting. The land session is followed by a weekend on the water, starting 7PM Friday at Scoutland, continuing Saturday on the lake, and returning to Scoutland Sunday by 6 PM after a river trip.


Usual Schedule

  1. Last unit meeting before your weekend date: Hold land session.
  2. Friday, 7PM: Report at Scoutland to check out equipment. (No Saturday starts.)
  3. Saturday 8AM: Report at Scoutland waterfront to begin lake session.
  4. Sunday 8AM: Leave Scoutland to go to river.
  5. Sunday 8PM: Return to Scoutland to check in equipment.


For further information, please contact the Whitewater Director, Scott Houser


Distribute the following documents to each participant:

  1. Information for Units attending WWK
  2. List of what to bring to the clinic
  3. Medical Form A,B & C 
  4. Agreement and Consent—Adults
  5. Agreement and Consent—Youth


Contact Scott Houser to schedule your land session. Deadline: one month before the weekend clinic.

Go ahead and make your reservation today! Whitewater Kayaking books up fast! To Register please fill out form at the bottom of the page.Payment must be made in full to lock in your Unit. 

If you have any question in regards to registering contact Heather Sisk at the Jefferson Service Center. 


2025 Dates TBD 



All dates are subject to Weather Condistions, River Levels, Availability of Instructors and other unforseseeable factors that might prevent safely operating a program that's fun for Everyone. 


File Name Description
Adult Agreement & Consent Form Download
COVID Pre-Screen NEGA Download
Medical forms Download
What to bring Download
Whitewater equipment use Download
Whitewater Kayaking Info for Units Download
Youth Agreement & Consent Forms Download