SWAAR Leader Guide

Registration Notes:

You will have the best results when ONE UNIT LEADER makes all the registrations for your unit, rather than each parent registering individually. Although we strive to be Helpful, we cannot always fix errors on your part once classes fill, or once you arrive at the event. Classes WILL fill-up. Units can correct registration errors if all done through the same login.

All scouts must have a parent or Troop leader onsite for the day. Adult leader registrations are FREE. They are just to keep track of who will be on-site to oversee their Troop. They do not include lunch.  Adult lunches may be pre-ordered at checkout.

Multiple scouts from the same unit?- Print and BRING a roster because we will not be distributing rosters prior to class to eliminate the traffic jam in the morning.

Event Fees: 

All Scout registrations include lunch. Additional lunches for leaders and parents should be preordered or they may also be purchased onsite with limited quantities available.

Early bird Registration: $ 20

Regular Registration: $ 25

Walk-in Registration- Day of Event: $30

Some classes may have an additional materials cost added (TBD)

Additional Lunches for adult leaders/ parents are $ 7 each (Preorder recommended due to limited availability.)


Event Day Schedule:

7:30 am- 8:30 am Walk-in Registration and Changes- (Closes at 8:30 am for opening ceremonies.)

7:30 am - 8:30 am       Merit Badge Counselor Check-In
7:30 am – 8:40 am       Scouts' Arrival 
8:50 am - 9:00 am       Opening ceremony- Release to classes
9:00 am                           Morning Merit Badge class session begins

12:00 am                       Lunch in Commons 
1:00 pm                        Afternoon Merit Badge class session begins
3:30 pm                        Merit Badge classes end, classrooms are cleaned and restored to original order.
                                      Scouts return to The Commons to meet your group and depart.
4:00 pm                        Counselor check out. Staff meeting in Commons.
4:30 pm                        Staff departs.

Event Information and Guidelines:

  • Class changes/ Walk-In Registrations: Walk-in registrants and scouts with class changes will receive a class ticket at the registration table and they will be directed to the correct class. (Closes between 8:30 am and 9:00 am for opening ceremonies.) Expect this process to take time. Arrive early. Table opens at 7:30 AM
  • Merit Badge Pamphlets:  For ALL classes, Scouts are required to READ and BRING the Merit Badge pamphlet for the class they wish to complete. Merit Badge pamphlets are available online at:  https://www.scoutshop.org/books/for-scouts/merit-badge-pamphlets.html  or at one of the NE Georgia Council Scout Stores in Jefferson or Lawrenceville. Go to www.nega-bsa.org for directions or call 770-962-2105
  • Blue Cards: As required by BSA protocol, we will be using official BSA Blue Cards to report Merit Badge partials and completions. It is the responsibility of the individual units to provide each of their attending Scouts with a Blue Card signed by the Unit Leader. The Merit Badge Counselor will list completed requirements on the individual Blue Cards and return these to the Scouts at the end of class. No other printed advancement records will be provided to the Unit. Scouts who have forgotten their blue card may purchase one at the concession area. We will make an effort to upload completion rosters to Tentaroo accounts after the event, but the best way to record advancement and ensure it is recorded is a blue card.
  • Lunch: All scout registrations will include a lunch. 
    • Adult leaders and parents may also pre-order a lunch. A limited number of lunches will be available for purchase on-site. Attendees are required to eat in the school commons area, and Scouts will not be allowed to roam the halls during the lunch hour. We will do what we can to accommodate dietary restrictions.
  • Unit On-site Contact:  Each unit is required to designate at least one registered adult leader who is responsible for check-in and check-out for all Scouts from their unit the day of the Advance-A-Rama. The On-site Contact is required to remain on site with their Scouts, helping to maintain two deep leadership throughout the event.
  • Uniform:  Full BSA Class A Field Uniform is the uniform of the day. The merit badge sash may also be worn (optional).
  • Code of Conduct:  The Scout Oath, the Scout Law, and the Outdoor Code will be the required code of conduct at the Advance-A-Rama. A Scout whose conduct is not consistent with this code will be directed to report to his Unit leaders immediately.  Adequate adult supervision is the responsibility of each participating unit, and all leaders are expected to support disciplinary actions deemed necessary by the counselors or event coordinators.
  • Transportation:  Adult leaders must coordinate arrival and departure times as well as transportation to and from the Advance-A-Rama for their Scouts.  Please follow parking signs at the school entrance. Adult leaders may not leave Scouts alone for pick-up by parents at a later time. All Merit Badge classes will be conducted on the High School campus, so no off-site transportation will be required during the event. Follow the Outdoor Code and be Conservation Minded. Please carpool to conserve fuel and parking places.
  • Clean-up:  A Scout is Clean. We will be the guests of Gwinnett County Schools. Our goal is to be good stewards and to Leave No Trace by keeping the high school premises and classrooms in the same condition as found. Future offerings of the Advance-A-Rama will depend on our conduct and how neatly we leave the grounds. All garbage must be properly disposed in designated containers. 
  • Security:  During the Advance-A-Rama event, the school is usually only open to the event organizers and attending troops. However, due to ice and snow in previous years, there will often be a couple of make-up events held Saturday in other parts of the school. Security will not be rigid and units need to exercise vigilance.  Report any incidents to one of the event coordinators or counselors.  In the event of serious or life threatening medical situations call 911.
  • Scout Email Address and Telephone Number:  The online registration system requires an email address and telephone number for Scouts participating in the Advance-A-Rama. This is intended to facilitate the Merit Badge Counselor providing information regarding prerequisites and material that will be covered in class to the Scouts prior to the Advance-A-Rama. In the spirit of BSA Youth Protection guidelines, please provide an email address and/or telephone number for the Scout’s parents or adult leader rather than the individual Scout. BUT PLEASE MAKE SURE ANY INFO PROVIDED BY THE COUNSELOR GETS TO THE SCOUT!
  • Concession Stand:  A concession stand will be available in the commons area for adult leaders and parents. Snacks and beverages will be available for purchase throughout the day. The concession stand will only be open to Scouts during arrival and at lunch time.
  • Scouts must Be Prepared for class: Scouts are expected to bring paper, pencil, and a copy of the Merit Badge pamphlet. Any Scout wishing to complete the Merit Badge in class must also complete the pre-requisite requirements, which will be listed on the class registration page. Any requirements not completed in class or as pre-requisites must be completed later at the unit level. Some classes also have age and/or rank requirements. Unless indicated otherwise, all other requirements for the Merit Badge should be covered in class.


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