Eagle Scout - Project Fundraising Policy
In a Nutshell
With an approved fundraising application, Eagle candidates may ask for donations of materials or discounts on materials from companies or individuals. The candidate must furnish a list of prospective donors with their fundraising application, per national policy, for council approval before soliciting the material donations or discounts. Candidates may also hold fundraising events, such as car washes, meat stick sales, and the like, with an approved application.
Eagle candidates are not permitted, per council policy, to ask for monetary donations, from anyone or any business outside of the Exception List below.
Eagle candidates are not permitted, per National policy, to ask anyone or any business for donations of materials or discounts from anyone or any business outside of the Exception List below, unless they have a Council APPROVED Eagle Scout Fundraising Application.
A fundraising application is not required to solicit assistance as specified in the Exception List below
Exception List
Per National policy, Eagle Candidates may ask for monetary and material donations from the following sources, without submitting an Eagle Scout Service Project Fundraising Application or other permission.
The Scout
The Scout's parents or relatives
The Scout's unit
Chartered Organization
Members or parents of members of the scout’s unit
From the beneficiary of the project
Per Council policy, Eagle Candidates may ask for discounts on materials from the following businesses, without submitting an Eagle Scout Service Project Fundraising Application or other permission. This does not include asking for donations (free stuff).
Home Depot
All other sources require the form be submitted and approved before fundraising efforts taking place; this includes donations of money, material donations and/ or discounts on materials.
When do I need to submit a fundraising application?
When requesting donations or discounts for supplies and materials from people or organizations other than those in the Exception List above.
When something is to be sold to raise money for an Eagle Scout service project.
When an event is to be held, or service is to be offered, such as a car wash, to raise money for an Eagle Scout service project.
Where do I get the Eagle Scout Service Project Fundraising Applications?
The fundraising application can be found in the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, on the 19th and 20th pages.
Who should I submit my fundraising form to, for approval?
Fundraising forms are to be submitted to your District Advancement Committee, usually via your District Eagle Board Chair.
Do I have to turn my fundraising application in at the same time my project proposal is reviewed for approval?
No. You may submit your fundraising application at a later date, but you must have an approved fundraising application before you begin fundraising activities.
Can I ask for monetary (money) donations from people or friends?
No. You may NOT ask for monetary donations from any person, except those in the Exception List above.
Can I ask for monetary (money) donations from businesses?
No. You may NOT ask for monetary donations from any business or organization, except those in the Exception List above.
Can I ask for donations of materials and supplies from friends?
Yes, with an approved Eagle Scout Service Project Fundraising Application, which must be approved BEFORE asking for discounts or donations.
Is crowdfunding allowed in Northeast Georgia Council?
No. The Northeast Georgia Council has elected not to allow crowdfunding for fundraising of Eagle Projects. The Guide to Advancement 2017, section, authorizes local councils to decide whether or not to allow crowdfunding.
Can I ask Home Depot or Lowes for discounts on material without submitting a fundraising application?
Yes. The Northeast Georgia Council allows you to request discounts on materials from Home Depot and Lowes without a fundraising application. This is not to be confused with asking for donations (free stuff), which would require a fundraising application.
Are there some exceptions regarding discounts or donation of materials?
If you are given a discount at the time of purchasing materials that you did not ask for, it is okay to accept it, and the form is not required.
Likewise, if you are offered scrap or leftover materials, without asking for them, you may accept it and you do not need to submit an application as you did not solicit the materials, rather it was merely offered to you.
What must be done with proceeds left over from fundraising or donations?
All proceeds left over from fundraising or donations, whether money, materials, supplies, etc., regardless of the source, go to the beneficiary.
If the beneficiary is not allowed, for whatever reason, to retain any excess funds or materials, etc., the beneficiary should designate a suitable charity to receive them, or allow the unit to retain them. The unit must not influence this decision.
Is there anything that a Scout should make clear when accepting donation and/or discounts?
You must make it clear to all donors of materials, those offering a discount, or event participants that the money/ materials are being raised on behalf of the project beneficiary, which will retain any leftover funds or materials.
How does a Scout provide documentation of a gift?
Should any donor want documentation of a gift, this must be provided through the project beneficiary not the B.S.A., your unit, or council.