Apalachee Eagle Project Approval

Eagle Project Proposal Approvals

To all Eagle candidates:
Please use the current Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook. This latest version has expandable text boxes and the ability to insert images in JPEG, GIF, TIF, and PNG formats. Do NOT use Google Docs to Fill out the form, use Adobe Acrobat.

Apalachee District Eagle Project Proposal Approvals are done in person. You must have a scheduled appointment
If you have any questions please contact Eagle Project Chair.

PLEASE NOTE: Requests for Eagle Project Proposal Reviews must be submitted no later than the Wednesday prior to that month's Eagle Boards. Requests submitted after that will be scheduled for the following month.

Submitting proposed Eagle Scout Service Projects for Approval

The District Advancement Committee must approve all proposed Eagle Scout Service Projects before the actual work on the project can begin.
  1. The scout must use the most up to date Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook
    This workbook has three main sections following introductions and information pages (1-6):
    1. The first section "Eagle Scout Service Project Proposal" is used for the project approval process and is the only section you need to complete prior to the project review.  Don't forget the four signatures on the last page: candidate, unit leader, committee, and beneficiary.  The project cannot be reviewed without the signatures.
    2. The second section "Eagle Scout Service Project Plan" is for after the project proposal has been approved, but before starting work on the project.  It is used to finalize the details of the project.
    3. And the last section "Eagle Scout Service Project Report" is the final write up after the project has been completed.  Don't forget to track the hours worked by others and by you, including planning hours.
  2. Upon completion of the proposal, click here and complete the request form. The Eagle Project Chair, will schedule your Project review and notify you of the date and time.
    • Please allow up to 48 hours to receive a response.
      • Should a response not be received, contact the Eagle Project Chair via e-mail by clicking here.
    • Proposed Eagle Scout Service Projects in Apalachee District will be reviewed monthly. These reviews will be held on the same day as the scheduled Eagle Scout Board of Review dates. (Check the published District calendar for the dates). Please Note: Requests for Eagle Project Reviews must be submitted no later than the Wednesday prior to that month's Eagle Boards.  Requests submitted after that will be scheduled for the following month.
  3. The scout should bring a clearly identified original of the "Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook" and three copies of the "Eagle Scout Service Project Proposal".
  4. A member of the District Advancement Committee will take the original and all copies to the committee for review.  The committee will review the proposal and then meet with the scout to ask questions and/or relay any concerns.
  5. After the review the scout will be given an immediate answer as to the committee's decision. 
    • The original and two copies of the proposal will be returned to the scout as well. One copy of the proposal will be retained for the district files.

Helpful hint: 
A typed proposal is easier to read and more professional in appearance.

If you have any questions, please contact Eagle Project Chair or District Advancement Chair or Eagle Board Chair