Sweetwater Advance-a-Rama Registration
2024 Classes Listed
Please check back for updates and follow us on Facebook @SWAdvARama
Some classes will have pre-requisites/ post-requisites due to time requirements of the badge, and your counselor availibility is limited to the day of this event. Scouts who do not complete their requirements by the end of the day should plan to finish with a counselor in their local area/ Troop. SWAAR Counselors may agree to work with scouts beyond the day of the event at their own discretion.
Merit Badge (click for req's.) | Class Size | Sal. | FirstName | LastName | Prerequisites |
Aviation | 15 | Mr. | Peter |
Schlaf |
Chemistry | 15 | Mr. | Will | Reid | |
Citizenship in the Community #1* | 15 | Dr. | Matthew | Arduino | |
Citizenship in the Nation #1* | 15 | Mr. | Rick | Meinersman | #2,3,8 |
Citizenship in the World #1* | 15 | Mr. | Scott | Boughton | |
Communication #1* | 15 | Mr. | John | Moale | #5,7,8 |
Communication #2* | 15 | Mr. | David | Nash | #5,7,8 |
Digital Technology | 15 | Ms. | Zonya | Wilson | |
Disabilities Awareness | 15 | Ms | Trisha | WIlliams | #1a, 4a or 4b, 7 |
Emergency Preparedness* | 15 | Mr. | Joe | Ashby | #1,7,8 |
Engineering | 15 | Mr. | Rob | Goss | |
Environmental Science* | 15 | Mr. | Srinivasan | Velusamy | #1,3,4 |
Family Life * | 15 | Mrs. | Jill | Mashburn | |
Family Life * | 15 | Mrs. | Leslie | Schulze | |
First Aid #1* | 12 | Ms. | Cayleigh | Kuzel |
#1, 5 |
First Aid #2* | 12 | Mr. | Clark | Graves |
#1, 5 |
Moviemaking | 15 | Mr. | Jesse | Joyner | |
Personal Management #1* | 15 | Mr. | Craig | Knowlton | #1,2,8abc |
Personal Management #2* | 15 | Mr. | Ranny | Burts | #1,2,8abc |
Photography | 15 | Mr. | Rex | Smith | Bring current and signed Cyberchip & a digital camera or smartphone with cord |
Salesmanship | 15 | Ms. | Yolanda | Edwards | #5 |
Space Exploration | 15 | Mr. | Ed | Lindsay |
#2 and #5 b OR c (Addtl. $10 fee covers rocket kit) |
Sustainability* | 15 | Mr. | Scott |
Houser |
#1, home-based parts of 2,4,5a |
Truck Transportation | 15 | Mr. | Scott |
Baker |
* (Eagle Required MB)
Important Information for all Parents and Leaders- Click here for Leader Guide
(Fees, Schedule, Lunch Details and more!)
If you do not close out your shopping cart and pay, your registration will not be completed and you will NOT have a reserved class seat. You will have the best results when ONE UNIT LEADER makes all the registrations for your unit, rather than each parent registering individually. Units can correct registration errors if all done through the same login. Class space is limited, and we can not make adjustments to full classes to accomodate errors once you arrive at the event. Classes WILL fill-up.
Adult leaders and parents: All scouts must have a parent or Troop leader onsite for the day. Adult leader registrations are FREE. They are just to keep track of who will be on-site to oversee their Troop. They do not include lunch. Adult lunches may be pre-ordered under the "Products" tab at checkout.
Rosters: After checking out with multiple scouts, print your unit roster from the "Reports" button. If you make class changes or add/ delete scouts later, reprint a new one. Bring this roster to the event to help your scouts find the right class.
How to Register for Scouting events in Tentaroo Check out this Tutorial Video for help.