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For ALL youth in the NEGA council to have access to Baden-Powell’s mission of the Scouting program, regardless of ability.


The Northeast Georgia Special Needs Advisory Committee’s mission is to serve all council scouts, Unit leaders and parents working with scouts with special needs by:

  • Raising awareness to our Scouting Units of the need for inclusiveness of individuals with special needs
  • Setting the stage for success by providing support and resources to Unit leaders, parents & scouts to deliver a quality Scouting experience
  • Creating an opportunity for Scout Leaders to be continuously educated and trained to help scouts with special needs to succeed in the BSA program

Our Mission is to provide individuals with special needs opportunities to participate to the best of their abilities in an all-inclusive Scouting Program offered by the Boy Scouts of America.

Roles and Responsibilities of the
NEGA Special Needs Advisory Committee:

  • Promotes awareness to Scouts and unit leaders
  • Assists with Disabilities Awareness Merit Badge
  • Provides training to adult leaders and youth
  • Distributes available publications and resources provided by the BSA
  • Works with and assist other Council committees to deliver a quality Scouting program to all youth