Buddy System Update


The Northeast Georgia Council and Boy Scouts of America both place great importance on creating the most secure environment possible for our youth members. To maintain such an environment, the BSA has developed numerous procedural and leadership selection policies and provides parents and leaders with resources for its programs. 

Scouting safely is our top priority and there are a few important updates when it comes to the buddy system and overnight events for Webelos, Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouts.


Effective September 1, 2024 For Webelos and Scouts BSA, the Buddy System requires that two (and not more than three) youth participants (all under the age of 18) of the same gender and within THREE years* of age are joined together for ALL activities where they are not part of a larger group of Scouts and under the direct supervision of at least two registered leaders. 

Sea Scouts and Venturing may have mixed gender groups of three youth (all under the age of 18), but NOT two youth – mixed gender pairs for buddies are not permitted in any Scouting program.

All buddies and tent partners must be approved by unit leadership. Activities involving youth of mixed genders always require at least one of the registered leaders to be a female over the age of 21. There is NO CHANGE to tent partner requirements. For tenting purposes in Webelos, Scouts BSA, Sea Scouts and Venturing, youth tent partners must be of the same gender, within TWO years* of age and under the age of 18. 

*Note that the age difference is calculated by years, not years converted to months, so if one participant is 15 years old with a birthday next month, he or she is 15 for determining age difference.

The Northeast Georgia Council and the Boy Scouts of America requires all participants in its programs to be aware of and adhere to all measures designed to protect our youth.  


For more information on Scouting’s Barriers to Abuse, please visit: Youth Protection and Adult Leadership | Boy Scouts of America


For the full Guide to Safe Scouting, please visit: Online Version | Boy Scouts of America