Northeast Georgia Council Golf Tournament

CLICK HERE to Register your team today!

You have a special invitation to participate in our Annual Northeast Georgia Council, Golf Tournament at the Chateau Elan Woodlands Golf Course in Braselton, April 22, 2025. Our Tournament Committee has developed an outstanding program and we can assure you an enjoyable day of golf, fun, and fellowship. A limited number of spaces are available and will be filled on a first-come, first served basis. Please register today! All registration must be sent in no later than April 10, 2025. 



  1. Four Man/Woman Team Lauderdale. The worst score per hole is Bogey.
  2. You may register with a partner(s), team, or you can be assigned to a team.
  3. No handicap information is required. We will use the Callaway Handicap system to determine team scores.



Prizes will be presented to the winners and runners-up with the lowest net score.


Player Fee:

The fee is $1,000 per team of four players. Entry fee includes cart, green fee, brunch, practice balls, 19th hole and awards



Special Events:

  1. Longest Drive Contests
  2. Closest to the Pin Contests
  3. Hole-In-One Prize
  4. Lucky Golf Ball Drop with BIG cash prizes TO PURCHASE A BALL DROP CLICK HERE 
  5. Silent Auction



9:00 a.m. Registration and Breakfast

10:00 a.m. Shotgun Start

3:00 p.m. 19th Hole Award Program



From Atlanta take Insterstate 85 North to Exit 126. Take the exit and turn left heading west on Highway 211. Go to the third Chateau Elan entrance on the left. The street name is "Golf Club Drive". Proceed straight to the Golf Club House which will be on the left and parking on the right.


Sponsorship & Participation Packages

Level Cost What you get in return 
Title Sponsor  $15,000 
  • Name recognition added to event title including welcome sign at the course and program headline
  • Two teams of golfers (8 players)
  • Name on pre and post tournament news release
  • Name on a hole sponsor sign
  • Will receive a special exclusive recognition plaque
  • 12 months media presence on webpage and social media. 
  • Heads up media display on golf carts
Diamond Sponsor $10,000
  • Name recognition including welcome sign at designated areas and program headline.
  • Two teams of golfers (8 players)
  • Name on a hole sponsor sign
  • Will receive a special exclusive recognition plaque
  • 12 months media presence on webpage and social media. 
  • Heads up media display on golf carts
Gold Sponsor  $5,000
  • Program recognition, driving range/practice tee sign
  • Team of golfers (4 players)
  • Name on a hole sponsor sign
  • 12 months media presence on webpage and social media. 
  • Heads up media display on golf carts
Silver Sponsor  $2,500
  • Team of golfers (4 players)
  • Name in the tournament program, welcome banners, 19th hole celebration recognition, and a hole sponsor sign
  • 12 months media presence on webpage and social media. 
  • Heads up media display on golf carts
Emerald Sponsor  $1,000
  •  Team of golfers (4players)
Ruby Sponsor  $500
  • Name on a hole sponsor sign
  • Name in the tournament program
  • $750- Ruby Plus add your pop-up tent display

Player Patron

  • Single Player





































Please Register below if you would like to be a sponsor. For more information please contact Daniel Victorio at or 770-962-2105.


File Name Description
2025 Golf Tourney Reg Form Download