Chattahoochee District Eagle Board of Review
105 Church Ave
Pendergrass, GA 30567
Chattahoochee District Board of Reviews and Eagle Scout Service Project Proposal approvals are scheduled to be held each month. Typically they will be held on the third Thursday of each month. If there are no Boards of Review or project proposal approvals scheduled in advance there will be no one in attendance at the appointed location.
All Board of Reviews and project proposals approvals are by appointment only. If you show up without a scheduled appointment, you will not be given the opportunity for a Board of Review or project proposal review, but will be scheduled for a future date. For planning purposes and to ensure we have adequate adult volunteers in attendance, all requests with completed documentation must be submitted a minimum of 2 weeks in advance of the monthly scheduled evening. Requests with completed documentation that are submitted less than 2 weeks prior to the monthly scheduled evening the review or board may be scheduled for the following month. We operate on a first-in, first-to-be-scheduled principle. If we have more Scouts who request appointments than we can accommodate in a given month those who submit their request last will be deferred to the next month.
The Eagle Board of Review for the Chattahoochee District is conducted entirely by the District Advancement Committee, all of whom are volunteer Scouters. All project proposal requests and documentation must go through the District Advancement Committee.
Remember this is a Scout Leadership Requirement and any communication with the District Advancement Committee regarding the individual Scout's proposal or board should be from the Eagle Candidate.
Monthly reviews will typically be held on the third Thursday at the following location:
Pendergrass Baptist Church, 105 Church Street, Pendergrass, GA 30567
Detailed instructions for the Chattahoochee Eagle Board of Review and Eagle Scout Service Project Proposal approval processes can be found in the following documents. Please download and print them out for future reference.
- Chattahoochee Eagle Board of Review Request - PDF document
- Project Proposal Review Request - PDF document
- Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook
If you have any questions, please email the District Advancement Committee at: