DRAFT BSA Winterfest - FAQs

  • Two-deep adult leadership is required. Co-ed leadership is required if you have a co-ed group. Adult leadership is responsible for the conduct of their youth during the event, including compliance with the designated curfews.
  • Winterfest has an active Facebook page. Make sure you are following the page for updates. We use Facebook as our primary communication to update attendees prior to and during the event.
  • Transportation, meals, hotels, and extra activities are your responsibility.
  • Winterfest is staffed with trained medical personnel to assist your unit as needed. If medical assistance is needed, please ask for assistance from any staff member with a walkie-talkie and help will be summoned. Our medical personnel are first responders and coordinate with Gatlinburg EMS as needed. If you need immediate assistance, dial 911.
  • The event staff will enforce the Winterfest Code of Conduct that was accepted at the time of registration. Behavior and discipline are the responsibilities of the Unit Leaders. Serious discipline breaches are subject to review by the Winterfest Executive Staff, who reserves the right to take appropriate action, including but not limited to asking the involved persons to leave all Winterfest events.
  • Damages to hotel rooms or any Winterfest event facilities are the responsibility of the youth and their unit.
  • Contingent leaders for each unit are responsible for checking their units into their selected hotels.
  • Please make sure that the Winterfest staff is notified of the hotel location where your unit is staying.
  • In the event of an emergency, it is necessary to be able to track down your unit. An emergency contact will be required at registration.
  • If you need to get a Tennessee Tax-Exempt Status Certificate to avoid the State Sales Tax go to bsawinterfest.org/waivers.
  • There are a variety of worship options available for you and your youth. Be sure to use the Gatlinburg Chamber of Commerce to find the church/synagogue of your choice HERE