Eagle Scout Extensions

Time extensions for Eagle Scout, Summit and Quartermaster awards

Effective January 1, 2021, local councils will have the authority to grant limited extensions of time to complete Eagle, Quartermaster, or Summit requirements. These extensions are available only to youth members who qualify under the three tests listed in the revised Guide to Advancement (GTA) topics

It is up to you if and when you submit a request for an extension. A Scout, his or her parent or guardian, unit leader, or members of the unit committee may file such requests.

Here are the steps to submit a request:

  1. Review these two sections of the Guide to Advancement Section 9:
    •, pay special attention to the three test.
  2. If it is felt that the circumstances pass the three tests:
    1. Review and fill out the attached form. (
    2. Prepare the required and any additional documentation needed noted in “Documentation to attach” section.
    3. Email the completed form and required documents to Chris Fraley at eagleissues@nega-bsa.org

Note: be specific when describing the reason for the delay in completing the requirements; what circumstance(s) caused the delay and how did the circumstance(s) prevent the requirements from being completed in time. Be sure to include dates.

The submitted request will be reviewed for completeness and if any additional information is needed in order to get a complete picture of the circumstances. Once all material is gathered, a review committee will review the circumstances and make a decision based on the gathered information. The petitioner will be notified of the decision, approved or declined. 

Note: It is important that during the request and approval process that the Scout continues to work towards completing your Eagle Scout requirements. Once you turn 18, you must register as an adult using postioin code "UP" and complete YPT. Position code "UP" allows you to complete rquirements while registered as an adult. 

Position Name Telephone
Advancement Chairman Charles Daniels Email
Eagle Issues Chris Fraley Email